Funders are the key in Grant Holster!
When entering information in Grant Holster, it is very important to understand how the funder information plays a role in every aspect in Grant Holster, specifically the funder Tax ID/EIN. This ID is used to populate data in the reports as well as keep track of "associated projects" in Grant Holster. Associated projects are projects that share BOTH a funder and a client. If you haven't entered a Tax ID for the funder, this information may not be correct.
How do I know a funders TaxID/EIN?
That depends. Every business, whether non-profit or for-profit has a tax ID. For most funders (non-profits, foundations, etc.) this information can usually be found with a simple google search. For others, especially federal funders, this information can be harder to determine. Read on to find out how we handle Federal Funders in Grant Holster.
What do I use for a Tax ID for Federal Funders?