Funders are the key in Grant Holster!

Funders are the key in Grant Holster!

When entering information in Grant Holster, it is very important to understand how the funder information plays a role in every aspect in Grant Holster, specifically the funder Tax ID/EIN. This ID is used to populate data in the reports as well as keep track of "associated projects" in Grant Holster. Associated projects are projects that share BOTH a funder and a client. If you haven't entered a Tax ID for the funder, this information may not be correct.

How do I know a funders TaxID/EIN?
That depends. Every business, whether non-profit or for-profit has a tax ID. For most funders (non-profits, foundations, etc.) this information can usually be found with a simple google search. For others, especially federal funders, this information can be harder to determine. Read on to find out how we handle Federal Funders in Grant Holster.

What do I use for a Tax ID for Federal Funders?
Every Federal agency has a Federal EIN (FEIN) and this is what we use for entering Federal Funders. Check out the document "Federal Contacts and Program Information" for a list of these.