Grant Holster Glossary

Grant Holster Glossary

Grant Holster Glossary


A status found in an Action for a project meaning that the Action (an LOI, for example) was accepted by the funder. This is different from "Awarded," which means the entire project has been successful and funds were awarded.

Account Executive

This is the person within your grant-seeking organization or department who is responsible for the client you are viewing. This can be edited in the add/edit Client form.


Actions are the things-to-do that need to be completed ahead of submitting the grant application/proposal.

An action might be an LOI, a meeting, a report or a task, like “check on previous giving”. When you create an action for a project, you can choose from the following “types” of actions:  LOI, Meeting, Phone Call, Report, and Task.

Actual Hours

For offices that track their hours per project, this is the actual number of hours you spent on the entire project, from start to finish, for the funding period. This is found in the add/edit Project form.

Award End

The date in which the funds (and therefore the project) will end. This is found in the add/edit Project form.

Award Start/End Dates are used to generate reports when calculating award amounts!
Even if you don't have an exact date in which the funds are to be used, you will want to put dates in this field so that the project shows up when you use the reports feature.

Award ID

Any tracking number your office assigns to awards. Can be used to balance awards with financials. For example, you could assign each award with a tracking number that indicates the client, funder, year, number of awards for the year and level of difficulty (eg, 01-A-19-12).

Award Start

This is the date in which the funds (and therefore the project) will begin. This is found in the add/edit Project form.
Award Start/End Dates are used to generate reports when calculating award amounts!
Even if you don't have an exact date in which the funds are to be used, you will want to put dates in this field so that the project shows up when you use the reports feature.


Everyone's favorite status! Means the funding or other proposal was awarded. This can be edited in the project's form. 


For consultants, a client is pretty straightforward: it is the organization you've contracted with to do grant seeking. If you are a grant professional in a single organization, you may only have one client - your employer. However, you also have the option of making each division or department its own client, allowing you to track them separately. Use Grant Holster in the way that best meets your needs!


A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that someone has completed the task (and is not awaiting an award or acceptance.) This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.


A status found in the Project meaning that your organization or client is working on (or needs to work on) building a relationship with the funder in order to ask for funding. This can be edited in the project's form.

Deadline Frequency

This is how frequent a funder accepts applications. Some accept applications once per year (annually), others accept on a rolling basis (soft deadline. Still, others might change the deadlines frequently (variable). This is found in the add/edit Project form.


A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that the project (funding) was declined. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.


A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that you are deferring the project. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Estimated Hours

The number of hours you expect to spend on a project. This is found in the add/edit Project form.

Expected Response Date

This is the date in which you plan on hearing back from a potential funder. This is found in the project form. If the response date is unknown, you may leave it blank or add a tickler date.

Expiration Date

These are internal dates when you want to be reminded that information needs to be updated. This is not a required field, so it is ok if you want to leave it blank. This can be found in the Grant Vault forms.


Usually a few keywords to describe the organization's focus. For example, a hospital's focus might be "healthcare." This is found in the add/edit Client form.


A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that a decision as to whether or not to pursue the project is needed. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Hard Deadline

A hard deadline is a deadline that cannot be pushed to a future date if time is running short. If the action or project has a hard deadline, you might also check the box for "funding requirement." This can be found when adding an action or a project.

Hot Mess

A status in the Project meaning that it is a mess. Use however you like :)

LOI Pending

A status found in the Project meaning that an LOI has been submitted and you are awaiting a response before you can submit the application. (If you were looking at the action (LOI) it would be pending.)

Never Seek

A status found in the Project meaning that you do not wish to seek funding in the future.


When adding a client, you can also give the client a nickname. This is especially helpful for clients with long names. When viewing deadlines and projects, the nickname will be shown instead of the full name.


A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that the project has been submitted and is awaiting a response from a funder. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.


A status found in the Project meaning that you know this is an opportunity that you plan on pursuing.

Point of Contact

This is the primary person within the client's grant-seeking organization or department who is responsible for information and assistance regarding that client's organization. This can be edited in the Client form.


A status found in the Project meaning that you are in the process of initial information gathering and other first steps. 


In Grant Holster, a Program is a formal activity or set of activities that allows an organization to achieve its mission. For example, blood donations would be a program of the Red Cross. You can also create a program called Unrestricted.


A project is an activity that is tracked in Grant Holster, such as a grant application. Each project may have underlying actions (or to-do's) that must be taken before it is complete.

Project Lead

This is the person within your grant-seeking organization or department who is responsible for the project you are viewing. This can be edited in the add/edit Project form.

Project Status

The current status of the project.

Response Date

This is the date which you heard back from the funder. This is found in the project form.


A status used for Actions such as meetings, phone calls, webinars, etc. 

Soft Deadline

A soft deadline is a deadline that can be pushed out to a future date if more time is needed. This term is not used anywhere in GH, but if the deadline is NOT a hard deadline, GH assumes it is a soft deadline.


The current status of a project or an action. (Working, Go/No-Go, Pending, Declined, Completed, Deferred, Accepted) This can be edited/updated in the Action form for a project.

Submission Link

This is where you paste the link to the submission portal for online applications. This is found in the project form.

Submission Notes

This is used for any notes that someone might need to know when using the portal. (For example, "need email from the funder to gain access to this portal." This is found in the project form.

Submission Password

This is the password for the portal for the project you are viewing. This is found in the project form.

Submission Username

This is the username for the portal for the project you are viewing. This is found in the project form.

Team Info.

This is where you can add people in addition to the Point of Contact (POC) who are working on the project. This can be found in the add/edit Project form.


A status in the Project meaning you started on a project, but for whatever reason, decided not to continue. This is different than just deferring the project because you started work on it.


A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that someone is actively working on the project or action. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.