PROBLEM: "I added a new Client but now I can't see it."

PROBLEM: "I added a new Client but now I can't see it."

This issue has to do with user management. If you are an invited user to Grant Holster (meaning you do not own the subscription) then you must be given access to the Client you just added. (Yes, even though you are the one who added it.)
NOTE: This will be fixed in the next update.

How does the owner give me access to a client?
The person who owns the subscription can give you access by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Account tab in Grant Holster
  2. Click User Management
  3. Find the user who needs access and click the edit icon
  4. This will open the user settings and will display a list of clients
  5. Check the box next to the client you want to give access to and voila! Access granted.