Project and Action Statuses in Grant Holster

Project and Action Statuses in Grant Holster

NOTE:  You can distinguish between Actions and Projects from any page by looking for an icon.
If there is no icon on the line, then the line is a Project. Actions have icons.

Statuses for Projects

A project is an activity that is tracked in Grant Holster, such as a grant application. Each project may have underlying actions (or steps) that must be taken before it is complete. The status options for projects are:

Awarded - Everyone's favorite status! Means the funding or other proposal was awarded. This can be edited in the project's form. 

Completed - A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that someone has completed the task (and is not awaiting an award or acceptance.) This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Cultivating - A status found in the Project meaning that your organization or client is working on (or needs to work on) building a relationship with the funder in order to ask for funding. This can be edited in the project's form.

Declined - A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that the project (funding) was declined. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Deferred A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that you are deferring the project. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Go/No-GoA status found in Projects and Actions meaning that a decision as to whether or not to pursue the project is needed. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Hot MessA status in the Project meaning that it is a mess. Use however you like :)

LOI PendingA status found in the Project meaning that an LOI has been submitted and you are awaiting a response before you can submit the application. (If you were looking at the action (LOI) it would be pending.)

Never-SeekA status found in the Project meaning that you do not wish to seek funding in the future.

Pending A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that the project has been submitted and is awaiting a response from a funder. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Planned A status found in the Project meaning that you know this is an opportunity that you plan on pursuing.

Preliminary A status found in the Project meaning that you are in the process of initial information gathering and other first steps. 

Withdrawn A status in the Project meaning you started on a project, but for whatever reason, decided not to continue. This is different than just deferring the project because you started work on it.

Working A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that someone is actively working on the project or action. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Statuses for Actions

Actions are the things that need to be done for that project. An action might be an LOI, a meeting, a report or a task, like “check on previous giving”. When you create an action for a project, you can choose from the following “types” of actions:  LOI, Meeting, Phone Call, Report, and Task. The status options for actions are:

Accepted - A status found in an Action for a project meaning that the Action (an LOI, for example) was accepted by the funder. This is different from "Awarded," which means the entire project has been successful and is complete.

Completed - A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that someone has completed the task (and is not awaiting an award or acceptance.) This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Declined - A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that the project (funding) was declined. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Deferred - A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that you are deferring the project. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Go/No-Go - A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that a decision as to whether or not to pursue the project is needed. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Pending - A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that the project has been submitted and is awaiting a response from a funder. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.

Scheduled - A status used for Actions such as meetings, phone calls, webinars, etc. 

Working - A status found in Projects and Actions meaning that someone is actively working on the project or action. This can be edited/updated in the Project's tab. To change the status of the action, you must first open the project. Scroll down to the action to update its status.