Naming Projects

Naming Projects

This tip stems from the following comment from one of our users:

"To me, a project is a mission project. So I've been naming all of my projects around the program they are supporting. But I finally said why??
Now, I am simply naming projects with the funder name and date.
Why didn't I think of this sooner?"

We agree and that's how we use Grant Holster too! 

In Grant Holster the "mission" is the program you are trying to fund. This can be entered in the Project details. (see below)

In the example below, the Program ("mission") is Metabolic Care.

The Project (grant application) is called Special Diabetes Program for Indians, as named by the Funder (Indian Health Service).

Let's look at how your Projects (grant applications) are listed from the Projects View in Grant Holster:

When we click the Project Description  we can see the project details:

Notice that Title is the same as the Project Description.

Pro Tip!
When a project (grant) requires an LOI, add "After LOI" to the title.
For example, if this example required an LOI we would name it "Special Diabetes Program for Indians - After LOI."

Pro Tip!
Add an Action (to-do) for the project's LOI so it will show up on your queue!

See article "The 90/60/30 Method for Managing Projects."